Tuesday, June 28, 2016

RESPOND TO INDO's Rep's Statement at UN Human Right Council Meeting in GENIVER.

My Respond to the Indonesian Rep's Statement (Picture above) at the UN Human Rights Council Meeting in Genever last Week.
1) "They (Solomon Islands and Vanuatu) lack understanding of West Papua"-
My Respond 1) They (Solomon Islands and Vanuatu) fully understand West paua better than you (Indonesia). They are trying to make you understand and clarify what is Human rights Violation is.
2)"Indonesia as a Democratic country is committed to promoting and protecting Human rights"
My respond 2) Indonesia is a Military rule country that continues to commit Human Rights Violation in West Papua every day.
3) "We (Indonesia) deplore how Solomon Islands and Vanuatu have abused this council and the Universal Principle of Promotion and Protection of Human Rights"
My Respond- 3) In informing the Human Rights Council is the right thing to do and not abusing it. Pretending, telling lies, cover up and diverting from truth is abuse. You must be stupid to say that. It is not in any way abuse the Universal Principle of Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.
4) "By supporting Separatism"
My Respond- 4) Telling the Human Rights Council of Human Rights violation in West Papua is not supporting separatism. It is upholding justice and peace in the region. The Independence struggle of West Papua is not SEPARATISM, It is RESTORING West Papuan SOVEREIGNTY back.

 Pic: Nella Kareni with West Puan Flag in POM 2015

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