"If the forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected." an abstract from the book THE ART OF WAR by an ancient Chinese military commander and strategist - Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC, China)
Take note that this is one of the current strategy the enemy is using to jeopardize West Papuan Struggle for Independence.
#WEST_PAPUAN_LEADERS and its people, must watch out for this tacttic and do not let the enemy and its perpetrators to separate or create division among us. Maintain the UNITY, the ACCORD and the BOND. Let's stand together and continue the fight to Free West Papua.
I remember very well in his keynote message to West Papuan in Port Moresby on the 1st of December 2017, Oro Governor Hon Gary Juffa, warn the Papuans that "if the enemy would attacked West Papua it would attacked from withing using its own people (Papuans) to create division among them". I am beginning to see this warning emerging.

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